To hear leading members of the Democratic party and their media sycophants describe it, the Tea Parties are full of radical right-wing white supremacists who are demonstrating in the streets because "big" insurance companies are paying them to do it, often called "astro-turfing" as a play on the concept of "grass roots" movements. The T.P. members are profiled as middle-aged, white, angry, clinging to their guns and bibles, etc.etc.etc.
Well this article by by Gallup reveals a far more mainstream composition which should scare official Washington down to its toes. The Tea Parties are made up of ordinary Americans who are basically mad at Washington. So all the myths being conjured up in the media to explain away the discontent as radical to the right are just that.....myths. The truth is these folks are going to rise up in November and deliver a knock out punch the likes which haven't been seen for a long time.
The sooner, the bigger, the better!
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