Here is the headline from The Hill:Blankfein supports financial reform legislation
Blankfein is the chief investment advisor at Goldman Sachs, which is being "grilled" in front of Congress this week for its "sins". It's nothing more than high drama to let all the politicans act like innocent bystanders at the economic debacle that has happened to this country.
This tells you just about everything you need to know about the layers of corruption in Washington these days: Goldman Sachs received huge largesse from the Feds for bailouts. Goldman Sachs contributed about ~$1million to Obama's election in 2008. The "Financial Reform" bill contains special set asides for Warren Buffet and his derivatives business. And it will not do a single thing to rein in the social engineering of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, ACORN, Chris Dod, Barney Frank, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac that led to the housing sub-prime bubble and the mess that followed.
Remember the three words of redemption: November, November, November!
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