Readings from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer Lectionary, Year C
Ps. 71: 1-17
Jeremiah 1: 4-10
1 Corinthians 14:12b-20
Luke 4:21-32
Collect: Almighty and everlasting God, you govern all things both in
heaven and on earth: Mercifully hear the supplications of
your people, and in our time grant us your peace; through
Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the
Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Watch Out for Carrot and Stick!!!!!! Warning!!!!!!

Another Obama Administration deception tactic to watch out for is his so-called push to increase Federal loan guarantees to nuclear power plant construction projects.
Now why would the democrats cross swords with their enviro-wacko allies to push for more nuclear power? It doesn't make sense! Sure it does!
Obama is pushing this in linkage with his failed Climate Change Legislation. The administration figures they may get a few republicans on board to vote for Cap & Trade if they sweeten it with Nuke plant loan guarantees.
Not only is this a political deception that conservatives will have to warn their senators and representatives about, but it is totally unnecessary.
We do not need more Federal government loan guarantees to build new nuke plants. All the Government has to do is GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!! What stifles nuke plant construction is the horrendous federal permitting process which may extend construction times out to 15 years or longer. How can you make an investment in that climate?
Get the Government out of the way and you would have nuke plants sprouting up in nearly every state. Of course, that's not what they want so they won't get out of the way. And I bet not one plant gets started because of Obama's proposal. What we might get is the Cap & Trade agenda which is bad for America.
Time for an old idea? Cut Congress down to Size?

That mighty edifice, the House of Congress, makes us think they do grand work there day-in and day-out. But why does Congress spend the whole year in Washington DC? Is there really that much work there? Do they have to study the NCAA post-season football issue? Or is it that they would rather be there than back at home, with us, the great unwashed masses?
This 16 year old article from the Heritage Foundation discusses the idea that Congress should only be in Washington for six months and then should be back at home for six months (wouldn't that take the shine off the office?).
As the article states, "While most Americans are tied to their communities through the bonds of work, home, family, commerce, school, and neighborhood, most Congressmen return home only for brief, campaign-style appearances before their fellow citizens. In stead of identifying with their home towns and approaching public policy problems as their former neighbors would, legislators tend to adopt a Washington mindset dominated by large bureaucracies and special-interest groups. As the federal government intrudes more and more into peoples lives, Congressmen spend more and more time attempting to manage it, frequently with counterproductive results, leaving even less time for reflection and contact with average citizens"
With Congress all gathered in that nice big building above, professional lobbyists just need to set up office in DC and essentially spend all their time hanging out in the building and going to lunch. What if lobbyists had to visit all 50 states to ply their trade? They might have less influence and WE might have more.
Here in our own district we have Congressman Gene Taylor. He has been in Washington for a LONG time. As a result, when he comes home and conducts Town Hall Meetings, the tone of the meetings is inevitably to represent and defend Washington to us, not to represent us to Washington. That needs to change.
Constitutional Amendment anyone?
Nationalization of College Football

The Presidential Ego knows no bounds and must meddle in every aspect of our life. Since he can't control us through "healthcare reform" (yet), the Prez figures he will hijack another part of our lives by telling us how he and his political pals want the college football season to end.
Details are in a Sports Illustrated article.
This goes a long way toward showing that our Congress really does not need to be a full time entity in Washington DC. Their is not enough truly useful work for them to do there so they justify their existence by inserting themselves into every aspect of our lives. They need to spend half the year back in their districts amongst us unwashed masses (boy wouldn't that take the shine off the office!).
Mr. President, NCAA Football is none of your damn business!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Not Just Bush's Fault: but ALL Republicans!!

Two days after his dud of a State of the Union Speech, POTUS runs up to Baltimore to a Republican get-together to tell House republicans that it is all their fault that he can't get anything done.
To fully understand the audacity and stupidity of this move you need to do a little arithmatic: Mr. President, your party controls both the House and the Senate. You don't need one republican vote to push things through.
Your problem is YOU! Most of the country doesn't want your policies and have convinced republican Congressmen to grow a backbone and stand up to you.
But most telling, your own party can't even agree to support your agenda. This is a center-right country that still believes in the Constitution and the country delivered to us by the Founding Fathers.
We don't want your Hope & Change, your own party doesn't want your Hope & Change.
And you don't need to explain it to us anymore. We get it, but we don't want it, period!
Obama's last comment to republicans was this: "Join with me," he said. "Let's do this together, Republicans and Democrats." A comment that every republican better weigh carefully. To sign on to Obama's agenda as a supporter will merely give him the "bipartisan" cover he clearly needs and does not deserve.
From the "Lessons Never Learned Department": Fannie and Freddie
Remember Fannie and Freddie? Kinda the Ground Zero targets for the housing bubble and toxic mortgage collapse of the financial system? Well, the dirty little secret is that they are alive and well and we are still pumping money into them to prop them up and to prop up the dysfunctional part of the whole housing industry.
So what, you say?
As this WSJ article explains, there are other huge unfunded liabilities in F & F due to the fact that they purchase mortgages at above value prices in essence discounting the underlying interest rates to subsidize the mortgages for people by keeping rates artificially low.
The difference between value and price is the building time bomb that some future Administration (and you and I) are going to have to account for (ie, pay for).
So, once again, the Administration that promised unprecedented transparancy is again, throwing its promises in the trashbin.
So what, you say?
As this WSJ article explains, there are other huge unfunded liabilities in F & F due to the fact that they purchase mortgages at above value prices in essence discounting the underlying interest rates to subsidize the mortgages for people by keeping rates artificially low.
The difference between value and price is the building time bomb that some future Administration (and you and I) are going to have to account for (ie, pay for).
So, once again, the Administration that promised unprecedented transparancy is again, throwing its promises in the trashbin.
Bin Laden blames U.S. for Global Warming

Well, why shouldn't he? All he has to do is look at what Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama tell us constantly. It' not exactly a secret even a guy living in a cave can't find out about.
If he can send all these tapes out for the world to see, how come we can't back track and find out where his little cave his and throw a cruise missle or two in his direction?
Limbaugh Response to State of the Union Address
I recommend you listen to the full 7 minutes plus of this You-Tube response which Rush Limbaugh aired on his radio show Thursday.
Rush Limbaugh Response to State of the Union Address.
Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, this response contains a large measure of instruction on what the office of President should be versus how Barack Obama is filling that office.
The response focuses on how unprepared Barack Obama was and is to both fill the office and carry out its intended Constitutional duties.
Rush Limbaugh Response to State of the Union Address.
Whether you are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, this response contains a large measure of instruction on what the office of President should be versus how Barack Obama is filling that office.
The response focuses on how unprepared Barack Obama was and is to both fill the office and carry out its intended Constitutional duties.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Supreme Court Decision: You Lie Mr. President
During the SOTU by POTUS (don't you love all the acronyms!), translated as: during the State of the Union Address by the President of the United States, a comment by the President complaining about the recent Supreme Court decision on Corporate participation in election funding brought a reaction from the Supreme Court.
The reaction was the visible mouthing by Justice Alito that YOU LIE! The other justices sat in stoney silence during Obama's remarks.
Specifically the President complained that "even foreign interests" could influence our elections and he did not think that was right. Oh really? So it would be wrong for global billionare George Soros to influence our elections? So Soro's websites should be taken down? His bankrolling phoney front groups in America should be stopped? I don't recall you calling for that before Mr. President.
The reaction was the visible mouthing by Justice Alito that YOU LIE! The other justices sat in stoney silence during Obama's remarks.
Specifically the President complained that "even foreign interests" could influence our elections and he did not think that was right. Oh really? So it would be wrong for global billionare George Soros to influence our elections? So Soro's websites should be taken down? His bankrolling phoney front groups in America should be stopped? I don't recall you calling for that before Mr. President.
The Other War Heros....Caregivers

One of the untold stories of the wars in Iraq and Afganistan are the numerous families and friends of wounded vets who provide much needed care with little assistance or noteriety according to an article in USA Today.
The work these caregivers do is hard, often tedious, and causes terrible strains in their own lives. The Military Family Association, a non-profit, says there is no good handle on the numbers involved in this effort but pegs it at something like 7,500.
Given the nature of war, all the severly injured are very young, which means they are going to need help for many many years, possibly outliving the very caregivers they depend on.
One wonders if a grateful nation could do more for those it sends into combat to protect and serve?
State of the Union Speech

What did I think of President Obama's State of the Union Speech?
I don't know, I didn't watch it. I seldom watch State of the Union speeches because quite honestly I find them uniformly boring. They don't contain much of substance and certainly don't track with what the President does in the coming year. In the case of Obama who is dropping in the polls like a Boeing 737 with engine failure, it was obviously going to be image, image, image and really no substance. Added to that is my deep suspicion that Obama is a leftist-marxist ideologue who like a used-car salesman will tell me anything, and I mean anything, in order to make the deal. Or in Obama's case, further his radical leftwing marxist agenda.
So, just as I don't sit around being assaulted by used-car salesmen in my spare time, neither will I waste that time listening to a radical leftist trying to sell me an his agenda. No thanks!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
How NOT to help Haiti long term

Much as the Tsunami in 2004, the immediate needs in Haiti are great and the more aid that can be rushed there, the better the immediate consequences for Haitian citizens.
But what to do for Haiti in the longer term is a much different question. A penetrating analysis about organized aid appeared in the Wall Street Journal.
On the one hand you have the calls for greater and greater flows of money to Haiti: "Haiti needs a new version of the Marshall Plan—now," writes Andres Oppenheimer in the Miami Herald, by way of complaining that the hundreds of millions currently being pledged are miserly. Economist Jeffrey Sachs proposes to spend between $10 and $15 billion dollars on a five-year development program. "The obvious way for Washington to cover this new funding," he writes, "is by introducing special taxes on Wall Street bonuses." In a New York Times op-ed, former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush profess to want to help Haiti "become its best." Some job they did of that when they were actually in office."
But there are chilling counters to these knee-jerk pleas for more money. Writer Brett Stephens adds that "All this works to salve the consciences of people whose dimly benign intention is to "do something." It's a potential bonanza for the misery professionals of aid agencies and NGOs, never mind that their livelihoods depend on the very poverty whose end they claim to seek. And it allows the Jeff Sachses of the world to preen as latter-day saints.
For actual Haitians, however, just about every conceivable aid scheme beyond immediate humanitarian relief will lead to more poverty, more corruption and less institutional capacity. It will benefit the well-connected at the expense of the truly needy, divert resources from where they are needed most, and crowd out local enterprise. And it will foster the very culture of dependence the country so desperately needs to break.
Read the article from WSJ which provides the case histories to support the allegations that doing more often ends up in providing less than advertised.
Off Topic: Hurricane Warning!!!!!!!!
NOAA – 26 Jan 2010 1430Z
Outlook for the Atlantic, Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico…
Hurricane Whodat is predicted to make landfall on the Florida coast in the vicinity of Miami on 7 Feb 2010 at approximately 2200Z (5:00 PM EST). This extremely powerful hurricane is expected to produce damaging Shockey waves and Category 5 Brees. Reports from shipping indicate that this unstoppable storm has blown a huge flock of Cardinals all the way to Arizona, and that it has sunk a replica Viking longboat, the Brettigfǻvren. Livestock, in particular young horses, will be in severe danger of being decimated. Predictive damage estimates are unavailable at this time, but they are expected to be significant.
All interests in and near the Miami area are advised to prepare for a storm surge of catastrophic proportions as Hurricane Whodat begins to arrive in approximately 10 days.
Next advisory 07 Feb 2010 at 0300Z (10:00 PM EST).
Hat Tip: Bert Feske
Outlook for the Atlantic, Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico…
Hurricane Whodat is predicted to make landfall on the Florida coast in the vicinity of Miami on 7 Feb 2010 at approximately 2200Z (5:00 PM EST). This extremely powerful hurricane is expected to produce damaging Shockey waves and Category 5 Brees. Reports from shipping indicate that this unstoppable storm has blown a huge flock of Cardinals all the way to Arizona, and that it has sunk a replica Viking longboat, the Brettigfǻvren. Livestock, in particular young horses, will be in severe danger of being decimated. Predictive damage estimates are unavailable at this time, but they are expected to be significant.
All interests in and near the Miami area are advised to prepare for a storm surge of catastrophic proportions as Hurricane Whodat begins to arrive in approximately 10 days.
Next advisory 07 Feb 2010 at 0300Z (10:00 PM EST).
Hat Tip: Bert Feske
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Only in the Episcopal Church!

It's a bird! No, it's an angel! No......who or what the hell is it??????????
Fear not, it's only the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in something that can only be described as spring plumage for the consecretion of Bishop Benchase in the Diocese of Georgia.
Don't you wish you had been there to see that???????
Off Topic: lighter moment

AMBER ALERT: A Retirement home in Minnesota is looking for an elderly man off his medication. He' s very delusional, he thinks he can play football & beat the SAINTS! DESCRIPTION: 6’2" 222 lbs AGE- OLDER THAN DIRT. Goes by Favre. Last seen in New Orleans wearing a Vikings jersey and his pants on the ground! If spotted, please call 911, he has a hurt ankle and black and gold confetti in his hair!
Hat Tip: Curtis Jones
And He Cares not for the Constitution: Keeping US Safe

In his first year in Office, three terrorist attacks have ocurred on US soil: killing of Army recruiters in Arkansas, the Ft. Hood massacre, and the attempted destruction of an airplane over Detroit.
President Obama dismantled the CIA interrogation apparatus which was supposed to be replace by HIG, High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group.
But, in recent hearings, a CIA director admitted that the HIG system is not yet functional, so the limited interrogation of the "underwear bomber" was handed off to the FBI until AG Eric Holder made sure the suspect was "lawyered up" so he could not talk anymore.
One of the prime functions of the Federal Government is to keep its citizens safe. This President shows the same contempt for that function as he does for the Constitution specifically and the country in general.
Monday, January 25, 2010
He Still Doesn't Get It...............

Rumors are leaking out about the populist shift of the Obama agenda that will be revealed in his upcoming State of the Union speech. The New York Times breathlessly reports that "President Obama will propose in his State of the Union address a package of modest initiatives intended to help middle-class families, including tax credits for child care, caps on some student loan payments and a requirement that companies let workers save automatically for retirement, senior administration officials said Sunday."
Big damn deal!! You want to help the middle class? Get off their backs, cut entitlement programs that suck up tax dollars, reduce payroll taxes, reduce taxes to business so they can boost production and add jobs. Stop the healthcare reform and Cap and Trade talk that keep business from hiring because they don't know what is going on.
And finally, slash the size of the Federal Government by 50% and return the savings to the middle class that pays for all the unconstitutional waste.
But don't hold your breath: you won't hear any of that in this President's speech.
Why is it hate speech?

In Colorado, a group of White Supremacists have adopted a mile of highway and had a sign placed up to say so. The state tried to block the sign but the Anti-Defamation League told them they couldn't so the state relented.
According to the White Supremacists, "We want to let them know that we're here and we do good things," Unit leader Neal Land told FOX 31 News. "We're upstanding citizens, try to be good people, and try to portray ourselves that way."
But, according to the ADL, "Courts around the country have allowed white supremacists to sponsor highway signs," says Anti-Defamation League Director Bruce DeBoskey. So although the Anti-Defamation League couldn't be more opposed to the Nazi movement, it advised the state to put the application through.
"To have our freedom we have to have all kinds of speech, and this is a case where hate speech is protected," DeBoskey said"
So why is it hate speech? Is it any worse, or is it as bad, as what Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, head of a stern, demanding, disciplined black-supremacist religious sect called "the Moslems stands for?
In a Time Magazine article the group had this to say at a rally in Manhattan, "Every white man knows his time is up," snapped the frail-looking Negro in the embroidered pillbox to 5,500 Negroes packed into Manhattan's St. Nicholas Arena one hot afternoon last week. "I am here to teach you how to be free. Yes, free from the white man's yoke. We want unity of all darker peoples on the earth. Then we will be masters of the United States, and we are going to treat the white man the way he should be treated."
And I guess, this is not hate speech?
Who Dat Nation on the move: Saints to Superbowl!

In a cliffhanger of a game that went into overtime, the New Orleans Saints are headed to the Superbowl for the first time having defeated the Minnesota Vikings and Brett Favre by 31 to 28.
When it takes 43 years to get there and after enduring the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it's gotta feel good!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Push ahead at your own risk Mr. President

As mentioned here earlier, take any hints that the Obama administration is going to take the message coming out of Massachusetts earlier this week and believe in it.
In this Fox News story spokesman Robert Gibbs contends the Whitehouse is still debating what to do with healthcare or Obamacare: push it through or step back.
Push ahead at your own risk Mr. President.
And the bad ideas just keep on coming..........

Sounds like a proper approach doesn't it? Appoint a panel or commission to study the deficit problem and make recommendations to solve it. Yes, a Deficit Panel.
Not so fast! The idea is that this panel would develop deficit reducing ideas that would then be voted on by congress after the November election but before the new congress is seated. In other words, the votes would be politically protected.
There are two basic ways to attack the deficits: lower spending or raise taxes.
In government, spending cuts are typically targeted in such a way as to cause the most pain to voters and the least pain to government. That way, voters will approve higher taxes to restore cut programs. Panels and commissions are the perfect way to pull these games off.
On the other hand, if spending cuts are debated in open congress so that the people can be involved then real spending reductions via the reduction in the size of government can be accomplished.
The Presidential State of the Union address is no doubt going to sound conservative, fiscally responsible, and be the biggest bunch of lies and deception to come down the pike in a long time.......just my prediction.
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
From the 1979 Book of Common Prayer Lectionary, Year C
Psalm 113
Nehemiah 8: 2-10
1 Corinthians 12: 12-27
Luke 4: 14-21
Collect: Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our
Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News
of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive
the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Psalm 113
Nehemiah 8: 2-10
1 Corinthians 12: 12-27
Luke 4: 14-21
Collect: Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our
Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News
of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive
the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Catagory: Stuff you probably didn't know, Atlanta Gayest City

From left, Clay Calhoun, 41 holds Jimmy Calhoun, 3, with his husband Rob Calhoun, 40, who is carrying their other adopted child Rainey Calhoun, 6, while they rally down Piedmont Street in May 2009.
A GLBT magazine, The Advocate, uses a series of metrics to come up with the conclusion that Atlanta is the gayest city in America. Nope, not San Francisco.
Though their methodology is "unscientific",it's not without merit. Correspondent Mike Albo awarded points based on same-sex households per capita, statewide marriage equality, gay elected officials, gay dating and "hookup" profiles per single male population, gay bars per capita, cruising spots per capita, and gay films in Netflix favorites.
Read the article, it goes on to say: Albo said the study reflects the mainstreaming of gay people into contemporary American life, noting that Iowa City, Austin, Texas; and Asheville, N.C., have more gays per capita than the major metropolises
The Lighter Side: Something to keep in mind

"BAIL'EM OUT!!! ???? Hell, back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it.. They failed and it closed. Now, we are trusting the economy of our country, our banking system, our auto industry and possibly our health plans to the same nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling whiskey?!"
"What the Hell are we thinking??"
We will never stop fighting either Mr President!

Whenever the President needs a bit of ego boost, his underlings put together one of these trumped up Town Hall meetings so he can feel the warmth and love of the true believers. After his debacle in Massachusetts, he ran to Ohio to get refreshed by vowing "we will keep fighting".
Well Mr President, be assured we will keep fighting too! We don't want your marxist hope and change! We love this country, the constitution, God, Freedom and Liberty to suceed and to fail and to be all that we can be. And we are tired of paying taxes so that those who don't want to work can sit on their butts, make bad decisions and wait around for us to bail their lazy butts out.
Case Study on How a Congressman uses Circular Logic to Violate the Constitution

Congressman Gene Taylor who represents south Mississippi is a perfect case study of a seemingly good person who went to Washington many years ago and over time became a part of the system. He is such a part of the system, that when confronted on by the people he is supposed to represent on issues important to them, his automatic response is to justify the work of the government, however unconstitutional that is.
In other words, Gene Taylor, like many entrenched Washington politicians see their job as "representing Washington to you rather than representing your interests in Washington". The following video of a town hall meeting in Ocean Springs, MS is a perfect instructional video of this point.
When you go to town hall meetings in your area, be alert for this type of behavior and call them on this, don't let them get away with it.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Episcopal Church Begins Official Work on Same Sex Blessings
At it's last trienial convention in the summer of 2009, the Episcopal Church passed a resolution to begin the development liturgical blessings for same sex unions. While this stops short of same sex marriage rites, it amounts to the same thing from a secular, legal standpoint.
The ongoing committee charged with this work has sent out letters to all diocesan bishops asking for examples of blessing liturgies they have instituted or authorized in their diocese.
While the Convention in Los Angeles pushed full steam ahead for this work, the average person sitting in the pews and putting money in the collection plates is not going to be happy to hear what is happening behind their backs.
Where will this go? No doubt many of those pewsitters will continue to head for the exits.
The ongoing committee charged with this work has sent out letters to all diocesan bishops asking for examples of blessing liturgies they have instituted or authorized in their diocese.
While the Convention in Los Angeles pushed full steam ahead for this work, the average person sitting in the pews and putting money in the collection plates is not going to be happy to hear what is happening behind their backs.
Where will this go? No doubt many of those pewsitters will continue to head for the exits.
The Market Speaks: Air America heading for the trashbin of history

While the radio fairness doctrine has raised its ugly head, the recession has claimed another victim: When Air America Radio launched in April, 2004 with already-known personalities like Al Franken and then-unknown future stars like Rachel Maddow, it was the only full-time progressive voice in the mainstream broadcast media world. At a critical time in our nation’s history — when dissent on issues such as the Iraq war were often denounced as “un-American” — Air America and its talented team helped millions of Americans remember the importance of compelling discussion about the most pivotal events and decisions of our generation.
The very difficult economic environment has had a significant impact on Air America’s business. This past year has seen a “perfect storm” in the media industry generally. National and local advertising revenues have fallen drastically, causing many media companies nationwide to fold or seek bankruptcy protection. From large to small, recent bankruptcies like Citadel Broadcasting and closures like that of the industry’s long-time trade publication Radio and Records have signaled that these are very difficult and rapidly changing times.
Let's check in with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Levine, and a whole host of others. No economic recession on those shows which work to tell the truth!
Massive Reform of Political Campaign Laws

The Supreme Court has tossed out key restraints on political campaign support from Corporate sources.
As Fox News reported, In a stunning reversal of the nation's federal campaign finance laws, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Thursday that free-speech rights permit groups like corporations and labor unions to directly spend on political campaigns, prompting the White House to pledge "forceful" action to undercut the decision. Also in the ruling, The justices also struck down part of the landmark McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill that barred union- and corporate-paid issue ads in the closing days of election campaigns.
What does the Whitehouse have to say? Well, In a written statement, President Obama said the high court had "given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics." He called it a "major victory" for Wall Street, health insurance companies and other interests which would diminish the influence of Americans who give small donations. Obama pledged to "work immediately" with Congress to develop a "forceful response."
"The public interest requires nothing less," Obama said.
Has the President ever heard of Michael Moore? What about ACORN and SEIU?
"The Practice is Disturbing"

Trijicon, a defense contractor who makes high performance rifle sights, has agreed to stop putting references of bible verses on its sights. This came after a firestorm erupted when ABC News disclosed that Trijicon had been printing the references.
What is disturbing is that one of our key commanders focusing on the terrorist war said the following: On Thursday, however, Army Gen. David Petraeus, Central Command's top officer, called the practice "disturbing."
"This is a serious concern to me and the other commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan," Petraeus told an audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
Why is it disturbing? Because we are a Christian nation fighting a war in muslim lands? Let's recall that people from this region of the world came to our country and killed three thousand of our citizens. So does our Christianity offend some? Too damn bad!
Lies as truth

Here is a neat little case study on how the Associated Press provides cover for the Obama administration. First the headline: Initial jobless claims unexpectedly rise. Unexpected by who? Not those of us out in the workforce.
But the best is this sentence:
A surprising jump in first-time claims for unemployment benefits is a painful reminder that jobs remain scarce six months into the economic recovery
Could we see a show of hands for those who think we are in an economic recovery let alone have been in one for six months?
See, this is how they lie to create a perception: that we are in a recovery and it is the anointed one Barack Obama who has brought us to this point.
Rubbish: this economy is still weak and if anything in danger of heading down again with the least bit of headwind. If the AP would get out into the real world and show some interest in telling the truth, that would be the story they would have to report.
Do you hear us now???

We tried to send you a message in blamed your candidate for your loss. We tried to send you a message in New blamed your candidate and the opposition's tactics for your loss. Now we have tried the best we know how to send you another message by taking one of the senate seats that your party fairly figured that they "owned"! So Mr. President, do you hear us now?
Many of the talking heads on TV are discussing what you will do next? Will you move to the center like Bill Clinton did? Or, being a Community Organizer who has never really come to grips with the word "no", will you dig in and fight harder and dirtier for your precious agenda?
For us, actions will speak louder than words. Early indications are not good. No doubt next week in your State of the Union Speech you will wield the tools of lofty rhetoric that so many of your true faithful love. Use whatever words you wish: we will watch for actions and we are very very skeptical and we are preparing to act again in November.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
How Did We Lose Teddys' Seat in Mass????

Democrates in deep, deep, denial, are working up a raft of excuses as to how they lost Massachusetts.
Heaven forbid they tell the truth and just own up to the fact that a majority of Americans did not vote for a marxist march to the left, for socialized medicine, for massive deficits into the the infinite future, for Czars who bow down to Mao, for Czars who want to teach homosexuality to kindergarden students, for Czars who want death panels, and who get tired of our President acting like a Community Organizer in Chief instead of a Commander in Chief!
Putting Christian Values on Weapons of War

A Michigan company that produces high power sights for rifles, pistols, and military rifles has been outed by ABC News for putting references to Bible verses on their rifle sights.
The company Trijicon Inc has apparently doing these inscriptions for a long time. There has been a Pentagon ban on such inscriptions for weapons in the Middle East theater so that the Pentagon could not be accused of proselytizing in the M.E. So how will they handle this situation?
Dem Leaders want to rethink Healthcare--oh really?
Don't believe this line of bull for one minute: if the socialists can get their signature healthcare, they will! But, no doubt the political landscape has changed dramatically with the election of Scott Brown and now it is time to take that victory and run with it to stop the socialist express of Obama, Pelosi, and Reed.
Long live liberty in America!
Long live liberty in America!
Huge Earthquake in Massachusetts!!!!!!!

The tectonic plates of the political landscape in America shifted big time last night as Scott Brown beat a democrate for Ted Kennedy's old senate seat in Massachusetts.
With Brown's defeat of Coakley in the bluest of states for Ted's old seat, now every democrat in the country should be doing the internal calculus that tells him or her that being chained to the Obamacare express is the kiss of death and the President has no coattails when he comes to your district to campaign for you.
This is a great victory for Americans who treasure the America of our founders, who beleive in the Constitution, who believe in Freedom and Liberty.
The New Tea Party is Under Way!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
And yet another penetrating healthcare reform question
French Accuse US of Haitian Occupation
Well, that sure didn't take long did it? And just how many tons of supplies have the Frogs landed in Haiti? Or, how much have they promised? Lot's of talk, but no from the French who more or less have screwed up Haiti down through the years.
Oh yes, remember that Tsunami a few years ago in Asia? Well we rushed a lot of supplies and resources in there also. Are we occupying anything there?
To the French: put up, or shut up.
Oh yes, remember that Tsunami a few years ago in Asia? Well we rushed a lot of supplies and resources in there also. Are we occupying anything there?
To the French: put up, or shut up.
Cliff Hanger in Massachusetts
The central theme of the Coakley campaign? According to Prez Obama, it is all Bush's fault! Okay, they have played that card all during Obama's campaign and it worked for them. It did not work in NJ or VA last fall. Will it work in Mass? We will know in about 48 hours. As Rush Limbaugh says, Coakley is nothing but a "sock puppet" for Obama. Let's see if the voters in Mass want that.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Because the Bible told me so??????
Strap in readers, this is one that you might not believe if you didn't read it here. You have all read how some state governments, big corporations like Disney, IBM, Northrup Gruman, etc have offered benefits for gay partners of employees?
Well, at least you know the Church won't do that because after all, the church takes as a key source of its authority Holy Scripture. Wrong!
Here we have it, the The Anglican Church is toying with providing benefits for the gay partners of clergy!!!
So, how does the Church interpret scripture for the pewsitters when the "spouse" is of the same sex? It's not exactly going to be orthodox is it?
Why not polyamory? Why not beastiality? Why not pedephilia? By what authority will the church say no?
Well, at least you know the Church won't do that because after all, the church takes as a key source of its authority Holy Scripture. Wrong!
Here we have it, the The Anglican Church is toying with providing benefits for the gay partners of clergy!!!
So, how does the Church interpret scripture for the pewsitters when the "spouse" is of the same sex? It's not exactly going to be orthodox is it?
Why not polyamory? Why not beastiality? Why not pedephilia? By what authority will the church say no?
Screw Global Warming: this is big news!

The Saints are in the championship game next weekend with the Vikings. If they win, they go to the Superbowl.
The Saints in the Super Bowl? Everyone from New Orleans can tell you that Hell will have to freeze over for that to happen.
Buy life insurance, freeze insurance, whatever! It's getting closer.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
From the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Year C readings
Ps 96
Isaiah 62:1-5
1 Corintians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11
Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light
of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word
and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ's
glory, that he may be known, worshiped, and obeyed to the
ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with
you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and
for ever. Amen.
Ps 96
Isaiah 62:1-5
1 Corintians 12:1-11
John 2:1-11
Almighty God, whose Son our Savior Jesus Christ is the light
of the world: Grant that your people, illumined by your Word
and Sacraments, may shine with the radiance of Christ's
glory, that he may be known, worshiped, and obeyed to the
ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with
you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, now and
for ever. Amen.
"Who Dat" Saints alive and well!

Breaking a three game losing streak at the end of the regular season the New Orlean's Saints put in a stellar performance to be the Arizona Cardinals. It was a great game to watch if you are a Saints fan. This is 40 years coming!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Taking Back America: November 2, 2010
Yes baby! Turn the volume way up and watch this one!
Hat Tip to Glenn
Hat Tip to Glenn
President "Engergizer Bunny" to Massachusetts
Whoops! First we commented that Obama was going to Massachusetts to help embattled Martha Coakley score a democratic win in the bluest state in the union for the perpetual senate seat of Ted Kennedy. Then we found out he wasn't going.
Now the word is that Obama will indeed go to Massachusetts on Sunday in a bid to revitalize Coakley's floundering campaign.
Will it work? NJ and VA did not respond well to Obama's efforts last fall. So why would he put more of his shrinking political capital on the line here? Obviously for his one and only love; Obamacare!
Nothing else matters to this President. He is truly one-dimensional to the extreme. Well, Tuesday is going to be interesting. Hopefully it will be a fair and honest election and the chips will fall where the true voters put them.
Now the word is that Obama will indeed go to Massachusetts on Sunday in a bid to revitalize Coakley's floundering campaign.
Will it work? NJ and VA did not respond well to Obama's efforts last fall. So why would he put more of his shrinking political capital on the line here? Obviously for his one and only love; Obamacare!
Nothing else matters to this President. He is truly one-dimensional to the extreme. Well, Tuesday is going to be interesting. Hopefully it will be a fair and honest election and the chips will fall where the true voters put them.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Should I get a gun? Part 4: How do I learn to shoot my gun?
In Part 3 of this series, we told you where you could purchase a gun.
Now, let's assume you have gone through the whole process outlined in the first three parts of the series and you now have a handgun for personal protection. Great! Now how do you learn to correctly and safely shoot it?
Certainly a knowledgable friend can help you tremendously with this issue. But even knowledgable friends are not trained instructors. Its not just enough to have the knowledge, you also need to know how to deliver it.
I would strongly urge each new shooter to take a National Rifle Association,NRA approved Basic Pistol Shooting Course. A course description can be found here. You can look in your local phone book or search the NRA site to find a shooting range which offers this course. For example, in Slidell, LA the FITS indoor shooting range offers such classes. Please note that in some states you have to take such a class in order to obtain a Concealed Weapons Permit (also called the Concealed Carry Weapons permit or CCW). This course will teach you about the gun, ammunition, about safety, about sighting a target and how to correctly shoot. It also includes time on the range so you can put classroom learning to practical use in a supervised environment.
After you have your gun and training there are two more things you should do: First, join the NRA! It costs $35/yr and will return you a wealth of information as well as helping to support your Second Ammendment Right to keep and bear arms for self-protection. Second, find a local range (indoor or outdoor as appropriate) and join that range. Shooting your gun is like playing golf; you'll remember the basics but practice keeps you sharp and helps you improve your skills. These skills should be automatic should the day ever come that you need to use your gun for self defense. Plus you will meet a lot of like-minded people.
Good luck and happy shooting!
Now, let's assume you have gone through the whole process outlined in the first three parts of the series and you now have a handgun for personal protection. Great! Now how do you learn to correctly and safely shoot it?
Certainly a knowledgable friend can help you tremendously with this issue. But even knowledgable friends are not trained instructors. Its not just enough to have the knowledge, you also need to know how to deliver it.
I would strongly urge each new shooter to take a National Rifle Association,NRA approved Basic Pistol Shooting Course. A course description can be found here. You can look in your local phone book or search the NRA site to find a shooting range which offers this course. For example, in Slidell, LA the FITS indoor shooting range offers such classes. Please note that in some states you have to take such a class in order to obtain a Concealed Weapons Permit (also called the Concealed Carry Weapons permit or CCW). This course will teach you about the gun, ammunition, about safety, about sighting a target and how to correctly shoot. It also includes time on the range so you can put classroom learning to practical use in a supervised environment.
After you have your gun and training there are two more things you should do: First, join the NRA! It costs $35/yr and will return you a wealth of information as well as helping to support your Second Ammendment Right to keep and bear arms for self-protection. Second, find a local range (indoor or outdoor as appropriate) and join that range. Shooting your gun is like playing golf; you'll remember the basics but practice keeps you sharp and helps you improve your skills. These skills should be automatic should the day ever come that you need to use your gun for self defense. Plus you will meet a lot of like-minded people.
Good luck and happy shooting!
Massachusetts Senate Race: looking for the bottom
Democrat candidate Martha Coakley seemingly wants voters in Massachusetts to know just how distorted her views are. In this interview on a concious clause question, Coakley concedes that maybe devout Catholics shouldn't work in emergency rooms where their religous views might cause them to withhold views shaped by their religous faith.
At least she admitted that they still have freedom of religion in emergency rooms.
At least she admitted that they still have freedom of religion in emergency rooms.
Churches oppose Ugandan Anti-gay bill
There has been a tremendous debate underway in Uganda to strengthen sodomy laws, ban same sex marriages, and generally to repress homosexual behavior by the enactment of harsh punishments including life in prison and death for offenses against the law.
In its December 17 Christmas message, the Uganda Joint Christian Council, a coalition of the country’s Anglican, Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, said that while its individual member churches had not yet issued formal statements on the proposed bill, all were opposed to the harsh penalties proposed for the suppression of vice.
The Churches agree that homosexual activity is biblically unacceptable, but "The “problem of homosexuality cannot be addressed by the law alone,” the churches noted, adding that Uganda’s Christian Churches were “concerned about the spiritual wellbeing of all members of the human family, including those who find themselves trapped in questionable lifestyles such as gays and lesbians.”
Coercion was not the solution, the churches concluded, appealing to “all parties to seek sustainable solutions to this problem. This would, among other things, involve teaching, mentoring, counseling and rehabilitation of all victims who are within reach,” the Uganda Joint Christian Council said.
In its December 17 Christmas message, the Uganda Joint Christian Council, a coalition of the country’s Anglican, Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, said that while its individual member churches had not yet issued formal statements on the proposed bill, all were opposed to the harsh penalties proposed for the suppression of vice.
The Churches agree that homosexual activity is biblically unacceptable, but "The “problem of homosexuality cannot be addressed by the law alone,” the churches noted, adding that Uganda’s Christian Churches were “concerned about the spiritual wellbeing of all members of the human family, including those who find themselves trapped in questionable lifestyles such as gays and lesbians.”
Coercion was not the solution, the churches concluded, appealing to “all parties to seek sustainable solutions to this problem. This would, among other things, involve teaching, mentoring, counseling and rehabilitation of all victims who are within reach,” the Uganda Joint Christian Council said.
Brown ahead of Coakley in Massachusetts?
A local poll, the Suffolk University/News 7 poll contends they have Brown ahead of Coakley in the race although the margin is within their polling error. If nothing, it suggests the race is continuing to tighten.
Apparantly President Obama WILL NOT make an appearance in Massachusetts for Coakley but will support her in a political ad.
Polls are one thing; the key will no doubt be turn-out. On the Democratic side they control the state election apparatus and ACORN and SEIU will be out in force to push the election for Coakley, one way or another.
On the Republican side; there is momentum, there is seething anger at Obama and his administrative agenda. That should bode well for turnout.
In a few days, we will find out who the new Massachusetts senator will be.
Apparantly President Obama WILL NOT make an appearance in Massachusetts for Coakley but will support her in a political ad.
Polls are one thing; the key will no doubt be turn-out. On the Democratic side they control the state election apparatus and ACORN and SEIU will be out in force to push the election for Coakley, one way or another.
On the Republican side; there is momentum, there is seething anger at Obama and his administrative agenda. That should bode well for turnout.
In a few days, we will find out who the new Massachusetts senator will be.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Cat called to Jury Duty in Massachusetts
The torrid senate race in Massachusetts is not the only bizarre thing underway. Apparantly a cat in Boston has been called to jury duty. The family who owns the cat is still trying to figure this out because when the wrote the jury commissioner to ask for disqualification that was denied.
Apparantly citizenship does have its duties and in Boston a jury of your peers can be pretty broadly interepted!
Apparantly citizenship does have its duties and in Boston a jury of your peers can be pretty broadly interepted!
Is third time the charm?

When President Obama campaigned for desperate democrats in Virginia and New Jersey last fall, his coattails weren't too long because both races were won by republicans.
Now the rumor has it that Obama might make a last-ditch appearance in Massachusetts to help embattled hopeful Martha Coakley as she tries to take over the senate seat once held by Ted Kennedy. That a republican is running a competitive race in Massachusetts for Ted's old seat shows how far the Democrats have fallen in a year.
Should I get a gun? Part 3: How to Purchase?
First of all: if you are a convicted felon, if you have been convicted of domestic abuse, or if you are certified mentally unstable, you cannot legally obtain a gun. At some point in your purchase process you will encounter ATF Form 4473. This is the information form that will be used to call into the FBI to do an instant background check. If you don't think you can answer the questions to obtain a gun, you might not want to try to purchase one.
This aside: how does one purchase a gun?
Local Gun Stores: These might be Gun Stores (perhaps with a resident gunsmith), Pawn Shops, or Big Box stores like Academy Sports or Dick's Sports. These locations will have what is called an FFL. A Federal Fireams License to be a gun dealer.
Internet stores: These are internet sites that sell guns, ammunition, and accessories. If you purchase a gun through one of these sites, it can only be delivered to an in-state dealer who has an FFL and is willing to do the transfer to you (typically for a fee of $25-40). Examples of sites are Bud's Gun Shop, another is J & G sale, and finally Gunbroker dot com, an auction site.
Gun Shows: These are sponsored events where buyers can see lots of sellers at one time. Contrary to popular belief they have to follow all the current FBI and BATF procedures in order to be legal.
For the first time purchaser, I suggest finding a local gun store that is dedicated to the business of firearms and tell them what what you are looking for (handgun, rifle, shotgun) and why and seek their recommendation. Hint, do not go on Saturday morning or one hour before they close. Since the election of Obama, business has boomed as many people expect gun bans to be enacteed. Try to pick a quiet time during the middle of a weekday so you and they can give proper attention to your needs.
Once you decide on a purchase, they will get your driver's license and give you a paper version of form 4473 to fill out. After you have filled it out and they have recorded the gun's info on it, they will call into the FBI's instant background check number and give them the info on the form. Within a couple of minutes, the FBI will bless your purchase, you will pay the store money, and then you will be a gun owner.
This aside: how does one purchase a gun?
Local Gun Stores: These might be Gun Stores (perhaps with a resident gunsmith), Pawn Shops, or Big Box stores like Academy Sports or Dick's Sports. These locations will have what is called an FFL. A Federal Fireams License to be a gun dealer.
Internet stores: These are internet sites that sell guns, ammunition, and accessories. If you purchase a gun through one of these sites, it can only be delivered to an in-state dealer who has an FFL and is willing to do the transfer to you (typically for a fee of $25-40). Examples of sites are Bud's Gun Shop, another is J & G sale, and finally Gunbroker dot com, an auction site.
Gun Shows: These are sponsored events where buyers can see lots of sellers at one time. Contrary to popular belief they have to follow all the current FBI and BATF procedures in order to be legal.
For the first time purchaser, I suggest finding a local gun store that is dedicated to the business of firearms and tell them what what you are looking for (handgun, rifle, shotgun) and why and seek their recommendation. Hint, do not go on Saturday morning or one hour before they close. Since the election of Obama, business has boomed as many people expect gun bans to be enacteed. Try to pick a quiet time during the middle of a weekday so you and they can give proper attention to your needs.
Once you decide on a purchase, they will get your driver's license and give you a paper version of form 4473 to fill out. After you have filled it out and they have recorded the gun's info on it, they will call into the FBI's instant background check number and give them the info on the form. Within a couple of minutes, the FBI will bless your purchase, you will pay the store money, and then you will be a gun owner.
Archbishop rightly slams Nancy Pelosi Theology
We recently commented on the wacko theology of one Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House within an article on Roman Catholic Excommunication.
Well now, Archbishop George Niederauer has blasted the Speaker for her comments in this article from Catholic News Angency. The Archbishop correctly slaps Pelosi around for her wacky assertion that just because God granted us "freedom of choice" we can use that expression of Grace to choose anything we want without consequences. Using her obtuse and heretical logic, I should be able to murder you without consequence. What she is advocating is murder of the innocent, yet she wants no consequences.
Thank you Archbishop: if she does not confess and repent, I would suggest a excommunication in private and let's see if she has the guts to go public with it like Kennedy did over on the East Coast.
Well now, Archbishop George Niederauer has blasted the Speaker for her comments in this article from Catholic News Angency. The Archbishop correctly slaps Pelosi around for her wacky assertion that just because God granted us "freedom of choice" we can use that expression of Grace to choose anything we want without consequences. Using her obtuse and heretical logic, I should be able to murder you without consequence. What she is advocating is murder of the innocent, yet she wants no consequences.
Thank you Archbishop: if she does not confess and repent, I would suggest a excommunication in private and let's see if she has the guts to go public with it like Kennedy did over on the East Coast.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Also from The Hill: IRS Commissioner says tax code too hard to understand.....duh!!!
If you are like me, and many years ago gave up the struggle to do your own taxes, then you and me are not alone!
None other than than IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman does not do his income taxes either.
According to Shulman in the story from The Hill, "I've used one for years. I find it convenient. I find the tax code complex so I use a preparer," Shulman said.
When asked if the code could be made simpler, Shulman dodged the question in the typical bureaucratic way: he pointed the finger at someone else. It's Congress's fault, they write the bills.
None other than than IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman does not do his income taxes either.
According to Shulman in the story from The Hill, "I've used one for years. I find it convenient. I find the tax code complex so I use a preparer," Shulman said.
When asked if the code could be made simpler, Shulman dodged the question in the typical bureaucratic way: he pointed the finger at someone else. It's Congress's fault, they write the bills.
Backbone sighting in Washington!
In this rather bullish report from the The Hill, republicans are starting to talk like they have found their backbones and are ready to start putting some real roadblocks on the way to the Democrats socialist healthcare reform bills.
The comment which I found most telling in the article was this report that, "according to aides that participated in Wednesday morning's GOP conference meeting, Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told his rank-and-file, "The bottom line is, I believe we can beat this bill. The American people are with us.”
Baehner nailed the important fact: The American people are with us. We have to be with them and we have to be very visible, noisy, and loud. Irregardless of what the media or the demagogues in Washington call us. We are fighting for this country and for the Constitution. You don't do that by asking permission. And I'm not going to be asking forgiveness either!
The comment which I found most telling in the article was this report that, "according to aides that participated in Wednesday morning's GOP conference meeting, Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told his rank-and-file, "The bottom line is, I believe we can beat this bill. The American people are with us.”
Baehner nailed the important fact: The American people are with us. We have to be with them and we have to be very visible, noisy, and loud. Irregardless of what the media or the demagogues in Washington call us. We are fighting for this country and for the Constitution. You don't do that by asking permission. And I'm not going to be asking forgiveness either!
Disaster in Hati
In a place poorly prepared to deal with a severe earthquake, Hati has been hit with a level 7.0 quake on the Richter scale. Thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands are dead or dying. We have heard that the Roman Archbishop was killed when his office collapsed on him.
Infrastructure in Hati is nearly non-existant. Disaster help from the US and other countries will be mandatory in order to help Haitians cope with the aftermath of the quake.
Infrastructure in Hati is nearly non-existant. Disaster help from the US and other countries will be mandatory in order to help Haitians cope with the aftermath of the quake.
It's not Ted Kennedy's Seat....It's America's Seat!

Who would have ever believed that in the blue blue blue state of Massachusetts, the Senate seat held forever by the Icon of socialistic, democratic feel-good programs could ever ever really be up for grabs?
Yet, a once-pedestrian contest between Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Scott Brown has coarsened with a week to go, as the two have cast themselves as custodians of the pivotal Senate vote to determine the bill's fate. Will the seat once held by Ted be the seat that kills his legacy healthcare bill?
We shall know in less than a week. Even if Brown does not win, the fact that this has become a close race has to tell every democrat in Congress that the American people are madder than hell! And this is a referendum on Obama!
Heros or the Face of Evil?

Back when we were children, it was pretty easy to recognize the devil. He was the guy in red with the pointy ears, surrounded by flames and he carried a pitchfork.
As we grew up, it became harder to recognize the guy: in fact we sometimes found that we were soulmates with him. And in later times, the devil incarnate, Mao, Che, Stalin, Fidel, has even found their ways on to T-Shirts that we wear or on to Christmas Tree ornaments that our President puts on his Christmas Tree!
But in this next video segment, Glenn Beck offers an overview of what these seemingly popular leaders of the past really represent. This is a prelude to a full documentary on January 22 which will show what totalitarian dictatorship governments inevitably offer to the people whom they rule over. We are a people who are goverened not ruled!! We must not let this happen here.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Should I buy a Gun? Part 2: What Kind?
The first part of this 4 part series discussed what the purpose of a gun would be?
If you have decided to purchase one, the next question is what type? Guns are sorta like fishing rods, they have different purposes and you have to consider that as part of the purchase process. You would not take a fly rod offshore to fish for tuna for example.
A local, reputable gun store can be a treasure trove of information in the selection process. So, this post will give you some basic information that you can use when you go to visit a store.
In this part, we will talk about shotguns, rifles, handguns. A shotgun uses a shell full of shot, little metal balls if you will. A rifle uses a shell with a bullet and fires through a long barrel. A handgun (revolver or pistol) is shot from the hand grip. So here we go.
Personal protection: This is typically an application for a handgun. Given the laws of your state and locality, this is probably what is called concealed carry. You will need a license for concealed carry. Check you local police on how to obtain a concealed carry license.
There are two basic handgun types: the revolver which uses a rotating cylinder to bring a fresh round to the barrle and the pistol. Common pistols are of the semi-automatic type that hold rounds in a magazine and then feed a fresh round to the barrel everytime you pull the trigger.
There are hundreds of types of handguns. For personal protection, three favorites are: .38 Special snub-nosed revolver (easy to conceal, useful at short distance, typically 5-6 rounds). The 9mmLugar Semi-automatic pistol, short barrel (fairly easy to conceal, often 10-12 rounds). The larger .45ACP Semi-automatic, less easy to conceal, but lots of stopping power and holds anywhere from 12-15 rounds. The two semi-automatic pistols will give good accuracy at longer range (20-50ft) than the snub-nosed revolver.
Home Protection: The handguns above can be used for home protection. Their one common shortfall is the need for rather accurate aim. A great home protection alternative is the tactical shotgun. This is a shotgun of either pump action or semi-automatic action with a short (at least 18") barrel. This gun does not need to be aimed: you just point in the general direction and keep firing until the bad guy is no longer a threat. Also, the pellets will not penetrate walls and endanger other occupants like a bullet. Shotguns in your house do not need any type of concealed weapon permit.
Target Shooting: This can encompass the handguns above but also gets you into rifles. This is a huge subject area: for fun, cheap but very challanging target shooting, consider a .22cal semi-automatic rifle (Remington, Ruger, Savage). These have a practical range of about 100 yards, little recoil and can teach you a lot about target shooting. For longer range consider .223 rifles (AR-15 types), .308 winchester types. But this begins to get into more $$ and more expensive ammunition.
This is a huge topic area; your local gunstore can help you in your selection process both for gun and related gear (holsters, gun bags, loaders, ammunition, etc). If you want to send me a question, please include your email address for a private reply. At the end of this series, we will show some pictures of typical guns mentioned above for the different applications.
If you have decided to purchase one, the next question is what type? Guns are sorta like fishing rods, they have different purposes and you have to consider that as part of the purchase process. You would not take a fly rod offshore to fish for tuna for example.
A local, reputable gun store can be a treasure trove of information in the selection process. So, this post will give you some basic information that you can use when you go to visit a store.
In this part, we will talk about shotguns, rifles, handguns. A shotgun uses a shell full of shot, little metal balls if you will. A rifle uses a shell with a bullet and fires through a long barrel. A handgun (revolver or pistol) is shot from the hand grip. So here we go.
Personal protection: This is typically an application for a handgun. Given the laws of your state and locality, this is probably what is called concealed carry. You will need a license for concealed carry. Check you local police on how to obtain a concealed carry license.
There are two basic handgun types: the revolver which uses a rotating cylinder to bring a fresh round to the barrle and the pistol. Common pistols are of the semi-automatic type that hold rounds in a magazine and then feed a fresh round to the barrel everytime you pull the trigger.
There are hundreds of types of handguns. For personal protection, three favorites are: .38 Special snub-nosed revolver (easy to conceal, useful at short distance, typically 5-6 rounds). The 9mmLugar Semi-automatic pistol, short barrel (fairly easy to conceal, often 10-12 rounds). The larger .45ACP Semi-automatic, less easy to conceal, but lots of stopping power and holds anywhere from 12-15 rounds. The two semi-automatic pistols will give good accuracy at longer range (20-50ft) than the snub-nosed revolver.
Home Protection: The handguns above can be used for home protection. Their one common shortfall is the need for rather accurate aim. A great home protection alternative is the tactical shotgun. This is a shotgun of either pump action or semi-automatic action with a short (at least 18") barrel. This gun does not need to be aimed: you just point in the general direction and keep firing until the bad guy is no longer a threat. Also, the pellets will not penetrate walls and endanger other occupants like a bullet. Shotguns in your house do not need any type of concealed weapon permit.
Target Shooting: This can encompass the handguns above but also gets you into rifles. This is a huge subject area: for fun, cheap but very challanging target shooting, consider a .22cal semi-automatic rifle (Remington, Ruger, Savage). These have a practical range of about 100 yards, little recoil and can teach you a lot about target shooting. For longer range consider .223 rifles (AR-15 types), .308 winchester types. But this begins to get into more $$ and more expensive ammunition.
This is a huge topic area; your local gunstore can help you in your selection process both for gun and related gear (holsters, gun bags, loaders, ammunition, etc). If you want to send me a question, please include your email address for a private reply. At the end of this series, we will show some pictures of typical guns mentioned above for the different applications.
High Debt = Poor Growth,,,,,,,,,duh!

The above graphic, taken from an academic study of growth versus debt by two academic researchers shows how US debt has changed over the years vs GDP and how such a metric predicts the growth prospects for a country.
During the Reagan years (1980-1988), the country's growth rate was strong as debt vs GDP averaged under 50% even as the economy came out of the miserable Carter years (when the Misery Index was born).
Starting in the 1990's debt load has steadily increased. But the explosion in debt is clearly on Obama's watch and more frightening are the future projections. In 2010 and beyond, our debt will equal or exceed GDP which will likely put us in a slow growth mode. Which by the way, makes it hard to do something about the debt. It begins to look like a death spiral.
Monday, January 11, 2010
TSA: Keeping us safe?

Green Beret, turned reporter, Michael Yon returning from Afganistan was arrested at the Seattle Airport because he would not tell TSA security how much money he made! As he said, the questions from TSA didn't seem to have anything to do with security.
Customs officials claim they have a lot of latitude on the questions they can ask and if subjects do not answer those questions, then the options left to Custom's start to shrink.
Seems like they might have asked such questions of the "Fruit of Kaboom Bomber".
Palin on Fox: This will drive Liberals Nuts!!!

Fox News has reported that Sarah Palin will become a regular contributor at the News network. This will be very stress-inducing to Liberals. Palin is the conservative they hate more than Limbaugh, because they sense she has the capability to be elected to high office (President?) and they despise the conservative positions she stands for.
I personally like Palin, because like Reagan she has the ability to cut through all the clutter of political speech and with an economy of words state very clearly what she believes in and what her vision for America is. And the left just hates this because she very easily and very simply devalues all the crap that the left believes in: the "right schools", the "right" degrees, using "educated speech", and most of all the soteriological power of big government.
In a nutshell Palin believes;
1. In God
2. Jesus Christ
3. Biblical authority
4. The Constitution
5. America
6. The American People
That pretty much covers the bases as far as I am concerned.
Tell All Dirty Democrats Book
The book, Game Change, by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann promises all kinds of inside comments and potential gaffs by a slew of Democratic lumenaries as well as others. Some of the comments are revealed in this story.
At the least, we will get some insight as to the low opinion that a lot of old-line, old-time, powerbroker Democrats had and probably still have for Barack Obama. Not only did Obama come out of the blue to knock off Hillary, but he created a whole power base that in many respects is outside the control of the likes of the Clintons and even others such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
As Obama's poll numbers tumble he is going to likely need the greater Democratic party to help him out for the rest of his first term and for re-election in 2012.
Question is: will the old-line Democrats help this guy who not only has treated them badly but is also single-handedly destroying their party with his leftist-socialist agenda?
Or, will they let him twist in the wind, go down in flames and figure they can pick up the pieces later?
What do you think?
At the least, we will get some insight as to the low opinion that a lot of old-line, old-time, powerbroker Democrats had and probably still have for Barack Obama. Not only did Obama come out of the blue to knock off Hillary, but he created a whole power base that in many respects is outside the control of the likes of the Clintons and even others such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
As Obama's poll numbers tumble he is going to likely need the greater Democratic party to help him out for the rest of his first term and for re-election in 2012.
Question is: will the old-line Democrats help this guy who not only has treated them badly but is also single-handedly destroying their party with his leftist-socialist agenda?
Or, will they let him twist in the wind, go down in flames and figure they can pick up the pieces later?
What do you think?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Should I get a gun? Part I
See the Introduction to this four-part series here.
The first question on "should you get a gun" is the question of why? Will the gun be for;
1. Sport, such as target shooting?
2. Personal protection?
3. Home, family protection?
4. Hunting?
If the answer to your question is hunting, then go no further. I am not a hunter and cannot really help you. If you are interested in items 1, 2, or 3, then read on.
Items 1,2, and 3 are really the same thing: if you target shoot then you have a weapon you could use for personal protection. If you are interested in personal protection, you need to target shoot to maintain and improve your skills.
Many people mistakenly think that their personal protection is a matter of calling the police. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!!!!!
The police have a sworn duty to uphold the laws and to maintain general order in your community. THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE AN OBLIGATION OR LEGAL BURDEN TO PROTECT ANY ONE GIVEN PERSON. This is a matter of settled law. See for example, Warren v. District of Columbia. In this case, rape victims sued the police for not protecting them. The court ruled the police do not have a burden to protect individual persons.
The point of this is: you need to think about being your own "first responder". If you need to take First Aid, CPR, or learn to use a gun to do that then that is your mission. The civil authorities will do everything they can to help you, but when push comes to shove, protecting each and every individual is not their legal obligation.
If you are convinced that you need to be your own "first responder" to protect either yourself and/or you and your family and your property, the next part of this series will talk about what type of gun(s) to get.
The first question on "should you get a gun" is the question of why? Will the gun be for;
1. Sport, such as target shooting?
2. Personal protection?
3. Home, family protection?
4. Hunting?
If the answer to your question is hunting, then go no further. I am not a hunter and cannot really help you. If you are interested in items 1, 2, or 3, then read on.
Items 1,2, and 3 are really the same thing: if you target shoot then you have a weapon you could use for personal protection. If you are interested in personal protection, you need to target shoot to maintain and improve your skills.
Many people mistakenly think that their personal protection is a matter of calling the police. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!!!!!
The police have a sworn duty to uphold the laws and to maintain general order in your community. THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE AN OBLIGATION OR LEGAL BURDEN TO PROTECT ANY ONE GIVEN PERSON. This is a matter of settled law. See for example, Warren v. District of Columbia. In this case, rape victims sued the police for not protecting them. The court ruled the police do not have a burden to protect individual persons.
The point of this is: you need to think about being your own "first responder". If you need to take First Aid, CPR, or learn to use a gun to do that then that is your mission. The civil authorities will do everything they can to help you, but when push comes to shove, protecting each and every individual is not their legal obligation.
If you are convinced that you need to be your own "first responder" to protect either yourself and/or you and your family and your property, the next part of this series will talk about what type of gun(s) to get.
First Sunday after the Epiphany: Baptism of Jesus
Readings from the Lectionary of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Year C
Ps. 89: 1-29
Isaiah 42: 1-9
Acts 10: 34-38
Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
Ps. 89: 1-29
Isaiah 42: 1-9
Acts 10: 34-38
Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
Saturday, January 9, 2010
On the road to Venezuela!
A country runs up massive debt. It can no longer pay for everything it promised to provide. What does that country do? Why it devalues its currency! We're not talking about the US are we?
No, today it is
Venezuaela! Boy that's a relief isn't it? Probably so, but don't figure on relaxing too long.
Could the US suffer the same fate? Well, in fact we already have in some sense. Since the turn of the century the dollar is off maybe 40% or so against the Euro and probably a similar amount against the Yen. With the massive debts forecasted in the Obama out-years, with huge plans for increased government spending, with a potential that others will quit buying our debt, it isn't totally outside the realm of possibility the US government would devalue the dollar as a way to devalue our international debt. Of course, who would get stuck holding the bag? You know the answer to that one.
As we have posted before, Obama is transforming the country for sure. Eventually on language will separate us from Venezuela (but even that might not be for long).
No, today it is
Venezuaela! Boy that's a relief isn't it? Probably so, but don't figure on relaxing too long.
Could the US suffer the same fate? Well, in fact we already have in some sense. Since the turn of the century the dollar is off maybe 40% or so against the Euro and probably a similar amount against the Yen. With the massive debts forecasted in the Obama out-years, with huge plans for increased government spending, with a potential that others will quit buying our debt, it isn't totally outside the realm of possibility the US government would devalue the dollar as a way to devalue our international debt. Of course, who would get stuck holding the bag? You know the answer to that one.
As we have posted before, Obama is transforming the country for sure. Eventually on language will separate us from Venezuela (but even that might not be for long).
"Does anyone in Washington have any common sense"?
Wow is that a dumb question?
It is uttered in a recent article by Lawrence Kudlow, a National Review Online Economics Editor.
Passing up Kudlow's recitation of the miserable position we are in economically and the things still on the leftist agenda to stomp on the economy even more, here are the Conservative approaches Kudlow recommends to get the economy back on the right course to build growth and thus create jobs and individual wealth:
So my point is this: Get rid of all this government spending, taxing, regulating, and meddling. De-stimulate. Let us keep our own money as workers, small-business owners, and corporate employees. Stop any future tax hikes. Stop them. And bring down business tax rates for large and small companies, from 40 percent (federal, state, and local) to something around 25 percent. And take a cue from FedEx CEO Fred Smith, who wants to revive the manufacturing and transportation industries with immediate cash-expensing tax write-offs for investment in new equipment.
Instead, what have we seen in the last few days?
1. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar recently announced that he is closing down federal lands for oil and gas drilling. This with the price of oil hovering around $83 a barrel and retail gas at the pump moving in the direction of $3 per gallon.
2. EPA is now going to penalize manufacturing America — or what’s left of it — with tougher standards to reduce smog. Of course, smog has already fallen 25 percent in the last three decades. And the EPA’s projected smog savings are so miniscule compared to the new costs for business that the National Association of Manufacturers, the petrochemical makers, and others are screaming bloody murder.
3. And not to be out done by his minions, President Obama announces a new green-jobs program that will cost taxpayers $2.3 billion. He predicts targeted tax credits for all of his faddish “energy savers” — presumably determined by hoards of EPA bureaucrats — will create 17,000 new jobs. This is out of a total workforce of 153 million
I wonder if Obama ever wonders why his poll numbers continue to head for the basement?
It is uttered in a recent article by Lawrence Kudlow, a National Review Online Economics Editor.
Passing up Kudlow's recitation of the miserable position we are in economically and the things still on the leftist agenda to stomp on the economy even more, here are the Conservative approaches Kudlow recommends to get the economy back on the right course to build growth and thus create jobs and individual wealth:
So my point is this: Get rid of all this government spending, taxing, regulating, and meddling. De-stimulate. Let us keep our own money as workers, small-business owners, and corporate employees. Stop any future tax hikes. Stop them. And bring down business tax rates for large and small companies, from 40 percent (federal, state, and local) to something around 25 percent. And take a cue from FedEx CEO Fred Smith, who wants to revive the manufacturing and transportation industries with immediate cash-expensing tax write-offs for investment in new equipment.
Instead, what have we seen in the last few days?
1. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar recently announced that he is closing down federal lands for oil and gas drilling. This with the price of oil hovering around $83 a barrel and retail gas at the pump moving in the direction of $3 per gallon.
2. EPA is now going to penalize manufacturing America — or what’s left of it — with tougher standards to reduce smog. Of course, smog has already fallen 25 percent in the last three decades. And the EPA’s projected smog savings are so miniscule compared to the new costs for business that the National Association of Manufacturers, the petrochemical makers, and others are screaming bloody murder.
3. And not to be out done by his minions, President Obama announces a new green-jobs program that will cost taxpayers $2.3 billion. He predicts targeted tax credits for all of his faddish “energy savers” — presumably determined by hoards of EPA bureaucrats — will create 17,000 new jobs. This is out of a total workforce of 153 million
I wonder if Obama ever wonders why his poll numbers continue to head for the basement?
The Un-gratitude of Terrorism

One of the central ideas of the Obama election was apparently, if you went around the world bowing and apologizing for what a terrible country America has been, then all the Islamist Jihadists would get the message, be appreciative of the change in course, and back off from attacking the US as the "great Satan".
Well, obviously that has not worked out too well. We have the killing of the Arkansas military recruiters by a terrorist. We have the Ft. Hood mass murder by a terrorist, we have the "Fruit-of-the-Kaboom" bomber attempt, and we learn from him that there may be 200 more Jihadists just jumping at the chance to be next!
Now that's gratitude for you!
In his recent article on National Review Online, Mark Steyn makes this point and many others: to wit, that treating all of this as isolated events, as legal problems vs a war, not only makes no sense but is not doing one darn thing to protect America and Americans!
Steyn's central point: this is what you get when you elect a Community Organizer as Commander in Chief, he doesn't have a clue how it works.
Off Topic: lighter moment
Should I get a gun?

Off and on, I have people ask me "should I get a gun"? Assuming they don't want to be "dirty Harry", the question comes from folks who are concerned about personal protection.
This is a very complex question: so I am going to offer a four-part series of articles that I hope will help folks to answer that question for themselves and their particular situations. If you have any specific questions you would like to pose in private, leave a comment with your email address in it and I will send you a private response. I hope everyone will find this series to be helpful, whether you decide to purchase one or not.
No Peggy: They like their Plan

Peggy, great article, but I don't think you understand the Obama Administration
Peggy's latest op-ed in the Wall Street Journal is as deeply introspective as any she has written in my opinion. But I think she really misses the point. She thinks Obama mis-judged the country's desire for his type of healthcare reform. By extension, she believes he mis-judged much of the country's desire for his whole agenda. She believes, if he is lucky, he will get a republican congress in 2010 that will help guide him to the correct path and possibly ensure his re-election in 2012.
My thesis: Obama does not give a rat's ass about what Americans want. He has great contempt for the 'unwashed" masses. Like all leftist radicals he has supreme confidence in his vision, the vision that the "little people" need.
So what if Obama continues down his radical path? Won't that surely guarantee that he will lose his 2012 re-election run?
As a Strategic Planner, I "game" possible future outcomes for clients. So, I'm gonna say it here, and many will deride me for this but here it is:
1. There may not be elections in 2012
2. Obama wants to be a "Chavez" leader for life.
3. He does not want to give up his power so there may not be elections in 2012, or at least, not open free ones.
4. How could that happen? Well, through Martial Law
5. Well the American people would not stand for Martial Law! Oh yes they would. In fact they might beg for it!
6. Now how is that possible!!!!!!!!
7. Let several huge terrorist attacks occur in our nation. Then we might be begging for martial law.
Is this all likely? NO. Is this at all possible? YES.
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