For the first time since his inauguration, it appears that President Obama's detractors and supporters united on one theme; his first Oval Office speech, seen here, about the oil spill in the Gulf was a dud. Comments range from how unspecific it was, how lofty and vapid, to the lies that were told and the apparent shakedown of BP by the WhiteHouse.
But off on her own, Peggy Noonan in the WSJ opines that maybe Obama is "snakebit" an American phrase for "unlucky".
Really? Obama unlucky? Let's try another version of Americanese about luck: the harder you work the luckier you get.
Even before day 1 of his term, the Obama administration has been the absolute manifestation of all the leftist, socialist dreams of American Progressives since their founding in the 1800's. Whether it was manipulation of the TARP process, Stimulus I, ObamaCare, Cap & Tax, Net Neutrality, apologies galore overseas, this elitist "world leader" has worked overtime to transform a country of liberty and freedom with his rigid vision of Stateism, Socialism, and Redistribution.
That is the lens through which he sees the world: Stateism, Socialism, and Redistribution. The first corollary is "do not let a crisis go to waste". Whether it is failing GM or an oil spill, look for the crack to plunge in the socialist dagger.
That Americans more than ever now sense that no action of this president leverages the great historical power and spirit of America is not a matter of this president being "snakebit". It is a matter of him being who he is---which means he cannot be whom he is not: a great American Leader.
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