With THE speech from the Oval Office and the kangaroo trials in Congress this week, there is no doubt who the politicans are painting as the face of evil in the Gulf oil disastor. And a disastor it is, and obviously it is BP's well that caused all the problems and by gosh it is on their backs to get it plugged, get everything cleaned up, and compensate those who have lost jobs and money and maybe businesses as a result of BP's mess. No one argues that BP is front and center to be blamed for this; even BP agrees!!
But that is not enough for the political class in Washington. Being as worthless as they are, they have to make a lot of noise to try and hide their worthless selves.
So, let's looks at how they stack on job one to get the leak plugged and everything made right.
Department of Justice: right out of the box Eric Holder threatens criminal charges. So, no surprise, it is hard to get substantive information out of BP. They are lawyered up and won't say boo without legal council. Way to go DOJ!
Obama: "Plug the damn hole" is the extent of his technical contribution. But he was Johnny on the spot using his Chicago thuggery to extort $20B our of BP. All other oil companies take notice: is this a crisis that is going to lead to nationalization of oil companies? Never let a crisis go to waste they say........
Obama & Congress: why haven't they suspended the Jones Act? This would allow non-American flagged ships with non-American (union) crews to help out with the situation. Fifteen foreign countries have tried to help according to this report. So what is wrong with you clowns? If you really wanted to do something constructive, you could! Obviously you don't.
Even the Coast Guard, the face of Homeland Security in the Gulf has been hapless. Yesterday holding barges in part to check on PFD's and Fire Extinguisher certs,
So who is actually moving heaven and earth to make something happen? Well, BP,
The rest of you clowns are sucking wind!
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