In the midst of oil spills in the Gulf, illegal immigrant problems in Arizona, and a Commander in Chief who knows nor cares anything about leadership, let us not for get Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.
Some worried she was perhaps too moderate to replace Justice Stephens, HAH!
Read it here:
In papers from the Marshall collection, whom Kagan worked for, are topics such as this spectrum of hot-button social issues: abortion, civil rights, gun rights, prisoners' rights and the constitutional underpinnings for recognizing gay marriage.
1. On abortion, Kagan wrote a memo in a case involving a prisoner who wanted the state to pay for her to have the procedure. Kagan expressed concern to Marshall that the conservative-leaning Court would use the case to rule against the woman--and possibly undo precedents protecting a woman's right to abortion.
2. She also expressed strong liberal views in a desegregation case. Summarizing a challenge to a voluntary school desegregation program, Kagan called the program "amazingly sensible." She told Marshall that state court decisions that upheld the plan recognized the "good sense and fair-mindedness" of local efforts.
3. Kagan also wrote a memo that senators could use to question whether she believes there is a constitutional right to gay marriage.
4. Then there was the recently disclosed memo on gun rights. In a case challenging the District of Columbia's handgun ban as unconstitutional, Kagan was blunt: "I am not sympathetic."
So, there you have it. That is Elena Kagan, who by extension is Obama.
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