In the previous post, we reported on this article from The Hill.
What do average Americans think of this? Here are some comments from The Hill article:
These are just a few of 484 comments received on the article,
Screw the IRS and all the tentacles of the fed reserve. Don't be sheeple. Rise up. Take it back. They will not give it willing, so do what is necessary. Grow a pair.
BY Roman Bacqwhet on 03/18/2010 at 19:50
What liar poser godwannabe thugs
BY tara metcalfe on 03/18/2010 at 19:55
Our politicians will regret this crap. Here we have a mountain of arrogance, fully charged with incompetence. An ideological tool to force the people to take a medicine they do not wish to take. But it's for our own good, and government sure knows what's good for the people, right? The heavy hand of this government is no longer one that helps the people. This is the back of the hand that punishes the people! Next thing you know we'll be told that we're lucky to have such a caring government! Where other nations have heard this BS before? This is how government creates enemies out of the people. This is how democracy collapses.
BY picomanning on 03/18/2010 at 19:56
I would rather die a free man than to give up my God given right to liberty and self-direction!I will NOT pay the (heathcare) tax!I will NOT pay the fines!I will NOT go to federal prison!If anyone in the federal government cares to test me on this,bring it on baby!
BY Guy Cooper on 03/18/2010 at 19:57
That is just what we need more IRS intrusion into our lives. Why don't they go after the 100,000 government workers that reportedly owe some 300 million dollars in back taxes instead. This bill is crazy and anyone that votes for it will never get my vote!
BY Feed up with this on 03/18/2010 at 19:58
I feel like I am being directly spit on and our American flag is being burned by a bunch of domestic terrorists. The problem is these terrorists make up the majority of the government and they keep trying to reach further and further into the lives of Americans. We need to stop this assault on our country ASAP!
BY NoBaMa1556 on 03/18/2010 at 19:59
This is the biggest point that no one has been scrutinizing all along! This is the one that people should be screaming mad about and demand the failure of this bill for this reason alone. Why in the world should the IRS be in charge of a "Health Care" bill enforcement? This bill is a blatant sham of a vehicle for the government to get deeper into the pockets of every American taxpayer. This is what this whole scam has been about all along. This is why they are pushing so hard to pass this sham. They need more money to keep spending like they are used to and want more of our money. This has to be stopped. It is merely a tax collection bill,, not a Health bill.
BY kdpvegas on 03/18/2010 at 20:00
It is nearly time to refresh the tree of liberty.
BY Alan on 03/18/2010 at 20:01
Soon it will be time for a good old fashioned All-American tax revolt. Let the fascists expose themselves for the thugs they are. We aren't their slaves. The income tax was the worst thing to happen to this country. The politicians view us as their perpetual income source. We need to dramatically reduce the size of government and let the free market provide us with prosperity. Government can't do that, it can only take wealth from some people and give it to others.
BY Eric on 03/18/2010 at 20:04
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