Bishop Chane of the Diocese of Washington, DC has announced that clergy under his oversight may not perform same-sex weddings as reported here.
According to the Bishop, "Through the grace of Holy Baptism, there are no second class members of the Body of Christ, " Chane said in a statement. "We are of equal value in the eyes of God, and any one of us may be called by the Holy Spirit into holy relationships as well as Holy Orders."
Golly Bishop, if you take a walk through the Bible you will notice a couple of things worth pondering: first, all mankind is fallen, we are all sinners. Throughout Holy Scripture we are called to confess our sins and ask God's forgiveness. Homosexual activity (not homosexual persons) is a sin and one that God particularly calls out as an abomination. Nowhere in the Bible does God bless sin.
So Bishop, if you believe in the authority of Holy Scripture (you do don't you?), you need to retract your announcement, confess your sins, and ask for God's forgiveness. If you are unsure how to do this, email me.
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