Is the Toyota Camry a virtual death-trap automobile? Remember when Ralph Nadar's expose "Unsafe at Any Speed" killed the Chevy Corvair, one of the most innovative cars put out by Detroit? You never heard about the hundreds of thousands of HAPPY Corvair owners (I was one!).
Well here we are again with Toyota and the Camry. Why with all the news coverage on these things you would think they are virtual death-mobiles, stalking to kill innocent people. Again, you never hear from anyone happy with the things. Well, here, on this blog, you will hear it first. A HAPPY CAMRY DRIVER!!!!
I drive a 2007 Camry for business. I have about 88,000 miles on it. I haven't taken it to the dealer for any recall fixes. It has been flawless. It is a pleasure to drive, lots of power, and just works great. Early on I noticed the driver's floor mat tends to slide up under the pedals. Did that scare me? No. I just readjust it every time I get in to drive. See, that is personal responsibility. I didn't wait for Toyota to fix it. I didn't wait for Obama to tell me about a government program to fix it. I FIXED THE DAMN THING MYSELF.
Grow up Americans and quit your damn crying and whining. You make me sick!
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