We have clearly reached the point where President Obama is no longer viewed as the "Messiah" except by himself and the most radical of his liberal base.
A great number of his liberal supporters naturally think he has not gone far enough toward enacting his agenda so they are angry.
A boatload of moderates including so-called independents and a big slug of white voters have finally realized they made a huge mistake in voting for him by thinking that "he had to govern from the center" and that his election was a way to wash away their "white guilt" for remaining racism in this country.
The polls are showing he is on the edge of a cliff as far as his support is concerned. Even the late-night comedians are taking persistant shots at him.
The next step in the polls will be a headlong rush toward buffunary, that is, being viewed as the pathetic leader that he is, rigidly locked into an ideology that hates this country and sincerely wishes to destroy it.
So, are we at that tipping point? Watch in the coming months. If he acts true to form as a despotic socialist, he will lash out more rather than pulling back in the name of self-preservation.
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